What do we stand for?

VERTIGO is a socially-driven brand that uses its digital platforms and clothing to tackle both positive and sensitive topics. The brand is inclusive of all forms of gender, race, political and sexual orientations, promulgating a lifestyle focused on qualitative, conscious, open-minded and inclusive thinking and behaviour. VERTIGO strives to be a brand “for all”, bridging all social gaps with the help of fashion.


As the word VERTIGO literally translates from the latin word vertō, which means a ”whirling or a spinning movement”, we see this exact process as the allegory for the genuine human nature: always having its mind whirling / spinning through hundreds and thousands, often troublesome, psychological phases, feelings and thoughts.

And VERTIGO is you

VERTIGO views the emotional attributes of what it means to be “human” not as mare weakness or defect, but on the contrary - as the symbol of the (not-yet-fully-tapped) potential to generate the purest brain waves in the universe. VERTIGO believes that the genuine and unstained feelings of love and empathy have the potential to create unimagined and lasting magic among the human community.

What will we always do?

We have the mission to promulgate love and generate an open dialogue on topics that lack public awareness. Only through continuous efforts to verbalise feelings and with readiness to change, will the human be able to tackle, find common ground, and solve issues of any complexity.


As a process of our mission to shed light on subjects that need social awareness, VERTIGO launches its first campaign with sensitivity towards sexual assault survivors with a simple but super necessary message: the path to healing begins with sharing, encouragement, mutual aid and love.